Monday, September 05, 2005

Hungry for God???

Do we believe that God is the standard of all truth? Why is it that many Christians would rather accept the sinners self-diagnosis of his own condition rather than that of the Great Physician, who created man.

God declares that all men do know "Him", and not just some generic deity, through the creation that God has made. But the sinner surpresses this clear truth because of his rebellious heart.

And yet many Christians act as if the unbeliever really doesn't know the Creator God.

God tells us that there is "none" that seek after God. And yet you will hear Christians speaking all the time about certain unbelievers who are seeking after God [as if God were hidding]

Why is this?

It is because Christians talk with unbelievers and hear the unbelievers proclaim that they do not believe in nor know the God in whom the Christian speaks of, and the Christian believes the sinner instead of God!

Some Christians observe unbelievers seeking after love, joy, beauty, goodness, happiness and every other blessing in life and wrongfully jump to the conclusion that they are seeking after God.
They jump to this conclusion because they rightfully realize that God is the source of all blessings. But because they are ignorant of the unbelievers willful supression of God's existence they mistake the unbelievers seeking after God's gifts, as them seeking after God.

In Romans 2 God tells us that God pours out His gifts of goodness to bring the unbeliever to repentance BUT that if the unbeliever remains in his unthankful and hardened condition then he will receive God's justice and wrath on the day of wrath [Judgement Day].


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