Thursday, October 09, 2008

There is no Hell?

Hell is very real…God created it for rebels who refuse to turn from their rebellion…

Because hell is real…and its existence [reality] is held together by the Creator of the Universe, who is Almighty [this means God’s will cannot be thwarted]…then we must not ignore its reality…

We cannot close our eyes and wish it away, like a little child playing “hide and seek”…sitting in the middle of the well lit room with his eyes closed…thinking because he can’t see you then you can’t see him…laughable in little games…horribly frightful and fatal in real life…

Because mankind has fallen into sin…their heart is rebellious against their Creator…they openly want to seek out “lies” that will allow them to remain in their rebellion…trying to grasp onto their self made, make believe authority…sitting on their own little thrones…holding down their self made crowns…refusing to bow to the God who made them and who continues to give them every good gift they enjoy…including each breath and heartbeat…

Rebellious man will go to the scientist to hear that hell is a fairy tale…and his heart is temporarily comforted…

He will go Eastern religions that tell him that hell is here and now, or that hell if it does exist is only temporary…you can work or earn your way out…

Rebellious man may even go to a Christian church…but he will want to find an unfaithful one…a church that flies under the banner of Jesus but has thrown away the Bible a long time ago…including its teachings on the existence of hell…

Hell…as a place of unending torment…forever and ever…for those who spit in the face of God and who refuse to quit doing so…even when cast into eternal punishment [which is one of the reasons for its eternality].

To be free from the destination of hell…one must fear it…BUT…fear alone of hell will not deliver you from hell…

Heaven is not the place for those who merely feared hell…

Heaven is the place for those who love Jesus more then all else…

How can you love Jesus?

Love gives birth to love. God is love…Jesus is God…

If you want a love for Jesus to be born in your heart…go to the Bible and begin to study about God’s love for you…look to God’s amazing love…
God is perfect…needing nothing outside of Himself…

God created in order to pass blessings on to others [creation]…even though creation could do nothing to improve or better God…

Mankind rebelled against God…but God did not cast them away…even though He would have been perfectly “just” and “righteous” to do so…

Instead God began to reach out to rebellious humanity…

God entered human history…the Almighty Himself became a man…lived a life of hardships and trials…was betrayed…falsely accused…falsely tried and condemned as a wicked, horrible man…BUT ALL THE WHILE HE WAS SINLESS…

But He didn’t open His mouth to defend Himself…BECAUSE…He didn’t want to be saved from death…that was the very reason He came…

The punishment of sin and rebellion is death…and Jesus [God] came to pay our debt!

Jesus, the sinless One, was willing to drink the cup of “hell” so that we rebels could drink deeply from the fountain of eternal life…

As you begin to see God’s love in Jesus…as He entered human history in order to pursue you, live for you, suffer for you…

As you look at Jesus…as He suffered and died on the cross…for your sins…then and only then will the love of God begin to grow in your heart…

As you behold the empty tomb…rejoice…knowing that as you trust your soul upon the One on the Cross…He didn’t remain dead…on the cross…and He didn’t remain cold and lifeless in a dark unknown tomb…

…He Rose victorious…

…He is seated on the Throne of the Universe…and He loves you!

Turn from rebellious death…and come to Jesus for everlasting life…Jesus is the LIFE!


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