The Greatest Love Ever Shown? [Part 1]
A few years back...right before Easter...I found a religious tract in the mailbox.
It was Titled, "The Greatest Love Ever Shown!"...or something really close to that...the one problem I had with the literature is that I knew the religious teachings of the cult that was trying to spread their beliefs.
The Jehovah's Witnesses teach that Jesus Christ was a created being. Yes, they say, he is the highest and greatest created being...but in the end...he is a creature...and NOT the Creator God!
So, what is this greatest love ever shown by God...according to the Jehovah's Witnesses?
Before we answer this question...we need to honestly and quickly look at their view of God...which effects their view of love.
The J.W's believe that before God decided to create anything...including Jesus [remember this is their view...not mine]...that He existed for all eternity past...alone!
This is very important...please don't miss it!
The Jehovah's Witnesses...and every other Christian cult...along with the other world religions...deny the Bibles teaching on the Trinity.
The biblical teaching of the Trinity is quickly brushed off by man's proud little mind...because it is a mysterious, wonderful truth that goes beyond man's capacity to fully grasp...apart from faith that is...
The Bible's teaching on the Trinity shows that there has existed for all eternity...One God...and within the Being God...there has existed Three distinct Persons...the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Each of the Persons is fully God...and not one third of God...and yet there is only one God...aaaccckkk...goes the it snaps with all the tension!
Here's the catch...the Bible also clearly teaches that God IS love. Note, that it doesn't say that God is loving...God reveals Himself TO BE...LOVE. is an action word...the Bible clearly teaches that it isn't enough to merely talk love...true love expresses itself in doing... giving and doing good to others!
So, here is the big question to the cults...if God IS LOVE...then before He created anything...including Jesus [not my belief, I believe that Jesus is the eternal God, the second Person of the Trinity]...who or what did He love?
Answer- There was nothing to love...God was all by Himself...and shows that He really isn't essentially love...because He existed for all eternity past without loving anything or anyone.
According to the cults...God could be God without anyone else...and therefore is essentially "unlove".
Yes, He might be Almighty...but all loving? Eternity past begs to differ.
I will continue the second part of this thought in a few days...
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