Monday, September 12, 2005

The Hand is Quicker than the Eye

Jesus said that if you practiced your good works for men to see then you have already received your full reward.

Think of it! Some persons nod or smile is your full reward! What a rip off!

A lesson we should learn from this is the difference between "Reality" and "Appearance".

A person who is more concerned about appearance over reality is the person who cares that things appear to be fine in their lives, according to the public eye, when in reality they are not.

They keep the reality well covered so that the appearance can continue to give its propaganda message to the masses.

We should be concerned what people think of us, because as Christians our lives are the only Bible that some people ever see.

The God who sees all doesn't gauge us according to our "appearance" lifestyle, but according to our "secret" lifestyle.

But we should be diligent to try to make our "appearance life" and our "reality life" as close as possible.

Otherwise we become hypocrites!!


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