Friday, June 02, 2006

Tom Sawyer Lives!

We first moved into the home we now live in, five years ago. We didn't want to keep the outside colors the came the ol' paint and brushes.

I can remember the first time painting the took me at least a week...a little bit each day after work.

Five years have past by...and the children have all grown a lot.

As I am beginning to paint I have my children and two of their friends...begging me to paint!

Well...out came some extra brushes and the "team" began to paint...things went fast!

Now, being "dad" I knew the enthusiasm would last around a half an hour...and it did.

But in the time where everyone was painting we got one quarter of the job done...thank you Lord for the extra helpers.

Bonita went and bought some treats for everyone...they feasted...and dadio kept slopping the paint...hopefully it will be done today or tomorrow.


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