Saturday, May 13, 2006

Is the Glass Half Full Or Half Empty?

Contentment is a great gift!

On our holidays I had the opportunity to witness my children and how they viewed things.

At all the amusement parks there are certain rides that have height restrictions...if you don't meet up to the standard height for the ride then you don't get to experience the "fun".

My oldest child was tall enough to get on all the rides.

The younger three had some rides they couldn't get on.

At the the end of the first day I asked everyone how their day was. My second eldest child said it was ok. My third child said she had a 'great' time.

The interesting thing was that my second eldest child is taller then my third and therefore had the opportunity of going on more rides then the third eldest.

So why the difference in responses?

Thats easy.

One was looking at the glass as half empty...the other as half full.

One was sulking and sad at the things she couldn't do...

The other was happy and joyful at the things she was allowed to do.

This is a good lesson for adults as well.

Some people are never their job...finacially...relationship wise...

This is because they are always looking over the fence at what they could have, instead of looking at all the blessings they already have.


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