Saturday, September 09, 2006

Protecting The Truth.

The spirit of unbelief thinks that it can fight against the Almighty and actually succeed.

Even though 1000's of years of history prove to the contrary.

As Christians we must be careful that we don't equate "spirit of unbelief" with "unbeliever" or "non-Christian".

A Christian is someone who is "in covenant" with God but this covenant relationship is two-fold.

A covenant member may be faithful...believing God's promises and the fruits that flow from this faith [good works]...


...a covenant member may be unfaithful...unbelieving towards God and His promises...leading to disobedience.

Yes, we have examples of the "spirit of unbelief" in those outside of God's people.

But as Christians we should spend more time observing how those 'in covenant' responded to God and His word...and also closely observe God's response.

Those who depart from the faith...begin shedding their covenant obligations...some did this in the name of "the truth"...but in the end...they were pushing their own agenda.

When a person "in covenant" with God, begins protecting the church...the pillar and ground of truth...and they do so by the means of half truths and outright lying...then they have joined in poor company indeed.

The religious leaders of Jesus day also thought that they were protecting God's church from a wicked, false prophet.

Today we know this "so-called" wicked, false prophet as Jesus Christ, the Truth, the Son of the Living God.

And how did they go about protecting and defending "the Truth"?

This is where someone with an ounce of discernment begins to smell a rat.

They told lies to God's people about Jesus...hmmm that doesn't sound like loads of integrity does it?

They slandered Jesus character...those who wanted to believe their lives had to close their eyes to the fruit of Jesus perfect life.

They set up a false trial...brought in false witnesses...told these false witnesses what lies they should publicly proclaim...then they watched "the Truth" be put to death.

Were they really concerned with the "Truth"...yeah...right.

Even when the Truth was laid in the tomb...these men "protected" the truth, and the people of the truth by paying the guards to lie about witnessing the resurrection of the Truth from the dead.

This should be a warning to all of us that there are some people "in covenant" with God who will do anything to push their agenda...which they automatically define as...

..."the truth"


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