Saturday, November 04, 2006

Its NOT that Big a deal

Here is a problem that is rampant in the church today.

We call it venting.

God calls it gossip.

It looks something like this.

"I have this and so has said this... and done that to me", says person with a problem... to their friend [not to the person who wronged them].

The cure.

"You should go and talk with "so and so" about this problem...and if you already have, I will go with you as support." says the friend [venting board].

Now, comes one of two possible answers.

The first shows that the person really doesn't want to find resolve...but merely wants to complain behind the other person's back...gossip...destructive.

The second is the proper response.

First response of a person being encouraged to go and talk to the person they are bothered with...

"Well, it really isn't that big of problem"


It was big enough for you to come and talk to someone else about. If it isn't that big then don't talk to others about it [except God].

The Second response.

"I will go and talk to the person about it"


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