Monday, June 04, 2007

Fear of the Lord

How do we know that the Proverbs are not merely another self help manual?

Proverbs 1:7 "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge but fools hate wisdom and understanding."

Fear of the Lord doesn’t mean we only understand that God is more powerful then us and that He punishes disobedience...even though these truths are included in this type of fear.

The fear of the Lord is more then just God’s power and punishment of comes from knowing all about who God is...

All of His characteristics, attributes...actions.

We must realize that Satan understands God’s power and his wrath against sin...but he isn’t wise...he doesn’t fear the Lord in the godly sense...he continues to fight against God.

There are things about God that Satan doesn’t ‘personally’ understand.

God chose to send His Son to save "human" rebels...but left the angels who fell...and their leader [Satan] their sin and mercy, forgiveness, no redemption.

Only wrath.

Jesus became a die for men’s salvation...he did not become an angel.

God’s angels desire to look into our salvation...God’s showing mercy and grace to us.
When they [elect angels] saw God’s dealings with their own kind it was only justice and wrath for rebellion.

And then they watch with amazement as their Creator is born of a virgin...takes upon Himself
"human" flesh to save these "other" type of rebels...they shake their heads in awe.

Fear of the Lord...means for us to be in utter awe of God’s greatness...of His infinite majesty!

We need to see God as the Creator of all things...of the galaxies...down to the smallest unseen germ.

God controls and governs all things...the movement of the planets, the history of the world...down to the smallest unnoticed details of our lives.

All power... is His, He is the everlasting One [no end]

God is All wise...this means He knows what is best for us...because He knows best...period.

God is all good. Whatever God decides is good...because God is the fountain of goodness.

God is always just...He is the standard of fairness.

God is is God’s very nature.

God shows us His wisdom, goodness, justice, love, wrath, mercy and truth...all in one incredible event in earths history.

God’s shows us the greatest love by sending His one and only Son to die on Calvary’s cross...and to rise from the grave victorious!

As we look at the crucified Savior we see God’s love for the sinner...and at the same time we see God’s justice and wrath...sin’s penalty must be paid...and Jesus voluntarily...out of love for God the Father and us...chose to pay that debt.

God graciously calls us to Himself...God daily loves us, feeds us, strengthens us, and prepares us for eternity with Himself...why...because He loves us.

God is so great that He needs nothing...He is the fountain of life, love and every blessing...but because God is love... wants to share all of these blessings with us.

When you get a sight of God...who He really He loves you...and what He has done for you... and what He continues to do for you...then you have taken your first step on the journey to be a wise man or woman.

For all eternity you are to grow to see God’s infinite all things...and become more and more wise.

All of this is a gift from God's gracious hand. Thank you Lord Jesus!


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