Thursday, October 30, 2008

No Option C [part 1]

People are beginning to open up to the idea that we don’t live in a merely materialistic, physical universe…

…in other words…people are becoming spiritual…they are beginning to look into “spiritual” things…

…as they do…they begin to seek out many avenues of thought within the occult…

T.V shows examine a multitude of spiritual experiences…even exorcisms…

Think about it…people are watching T.V shows about other people who are demonically possessed! They are not watching a movie…they are watching reality T.V!

What are they thinking while watching this poor soul on the tube…this person who is under the control of satanic forces?

The Bible tells us about Satan…he is a fallen angel…a created being with much cunning…

How did Satan become…Satan…the enemy of God and all that is good?

It is a sad story indeed.

God created Satan [his name is Lucifer]…and He gave him great beauty, talents, power and abilities.

There came a time…when Lucifer’s eyes left the fact that God [Jesus] was the source of his existence, beauty, talents, powers and abilities…and he began to see himself as having all these things…from himself…he began to be proud…trusting in himself.

He began to think that he didn’t need Jesus [God the Son] any longer…that all the great and mighty things that made him who he was…were not gifts…they were just who he was.

Satan’s persuasive powers are absolutely incredible, and should not be taken lightly by anyone!

Jesus called Satan the father of lies…and a murderer.

Satan murders through lies and deceit.

Satan’s lies are often subtle to the point where they look like the truth…

Through his lies Satan persuaded one third of God’s angels [spirit “Beings”] to follow in his rebellious ways…

Think about it for a minute!

Satan was so charismatic…so energetic…so compelling in his lying arguments…that he actually convinced one third of the angels that he had what it took to dethrone the Almighty!

How do you overcome One who spoke you into existence…?

How do you dethrone One who continues to sustain your existence by the sheer pleasure of His will?

The answer? You don’t!

Satan was cast out of heaven like lightening [words from an eyewitness…Jesus Himself]…that is a very fast fight.

Satan lost the battle in heaven…but in his mind…the fight wasn’t over yet…

His next scheme was to attack the pinnacle of God’s creation…mankind…

As we see how this battle turned out…it should cause us to be very careful in our assumptions…


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