The Greatest Love Ever Shown? [Part 4]
It is almost time to compare the love of the Jehovah's Witnesses God to the love that is revealed in the Bible...but before we do, there is one more thing we must look at.
When I say the above, the J.W is very likely going to shout...our god is the god of the Bible...but alas...please do not listen to their cultish yells.
Over the years the J.W's have butchered their translation of the bible, it is called the "New World Translation".
Why did they change the bible from the Hebrew and Greek texts? That is order to propagate their false god.
For many years the J.W's used the King James Version of the Bible...but in the King James Version...Jesus is clearly shown to be the Almighty God, the second Person of the this tranlation....and any other faithful translation...HAD TO GO!
You see, the J.W's hold to heretical beliefs that have been condemned by the Church of Jesus Christ for centuries.
They deny the foundational doctrine of the Trinity, and they deny the doctrine of the Deity of Christ [Jesus is God]...and therefore should NOT be defined as Christian.
Now, this is the interesting thing. The Jehovah's Witness will say that their bible is the true tranlation and all the other tranlations are false [very convenient].
So, who do you believe? Both hold their bibles in their hand and say that this is the real can you find out which one is telling the truth?
Ask a J.W how many books are in the New World Translation. They will tell you, 66 books, 39 Old Testament books, and 27 New Testament books...the same number as the other translations.
Now, ask them to show you in their bible [not the index, because no one believes that the Bibles index page is inspired by God], where God declared, "Here are the 66 books that are to be recognized as God's Word!"
You will read the bible in vain to find such a page!
God used His church...NOT to make His word...but to recognize His Word...and with God's authority to publicly declare what God's Word was!
False teachers have always been around! Wherever the truth may be found, Satan and his lies are close at hand to try and twist and distort.
False teachers raised their ugly heads in the early church...trying to bring in lies and falsehood. The Church, which is the Pillar of the truth, stood against these lying attacks.
False teachers wanted distort God's truth by taking "God inspired" books out of the Churches Scripture...and wanted to introduce "non-inspired" works!
The Church after many councils, recognized the 66 books that we hold in our hands today to be God's inspired Word!
By the way, these councils firmly believed in the Trinity and firmly believed that Jesus Christ is God, the second Person of the Trinity!
Two teachings that the J.W's vehemently deny!
So, here is my question to the J.W's...why would you accept the books of the Bible that were chosen by a church that you view as so corrupt and filled with falsehood?
The J.W's took the Churches 66 books then began [as Satan does] to take away from God's revealed truth!
Twisting the Scriptures to their own destruction!
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