Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Who are You?

A Pastor friend of mine told me this story years ago.
There was an older woman who lived most of her 65 years, as a Roman Catholic. One day this elderly woman was convinced that the teachings of the Roman Catholic church were not faithful to the word of God, so she left to go to another church.

Twenty years went by and this elderly saint faithfully served her Lord. The day came where this woman became very sick and lay on her, to be, death bed.

As she lay in her bed someone came into her room. She asked who it was. The reply was "I am your priest". To this the elderly woman asked the man to bring up his hands closer to her face, so that she may look at them.

The man lifted his hands before the old womans face. After a moment the woman said, "you are not my priest, my Priest bears the holes in His hands that declare His love for me".


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