Monday, November 14, 2005

Fount of Every Blessing

I know this is hard to imagine, but try.

Imagine what life would be like if there were no hope of salvation?

People often scoff at Christianity because it claims to be "the", "only" way.

They act like their rebellion is trifle.

That God who is perfect in Himself should just be happy to bring back His rebellious creation in a multitude of ways [according to whatever the creatures decide].

You never hear anyone say, "salvation, why would God save anyone"?

Imagine if God didn't send His Only Begotten Son, to suffer, die, raise the third day, and ascend into heaven for His peoples salvation?

Think of all the happy and sad times in your life...then imagine knowing that when your life ended all the happy things would be taken away...forever.

Oh go back throughout your whole life on earth and totally remove any happiness, joy, love, peace, kindness, beauty, contentment,or anything of goodness or truth.

We must always keep in mind that Jesus Christ is the Fount of Every Blessing.

Just because the wicked refuse to give thanks for God's good gifts doesn't change the fact that He is the Giver of all good gifts.


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