Monday, January 23, 2006

Closed Ears

I fear for the man who has closed ears.

The man who can sit under God's word...have God's voice command him what to do...

and then walk away and continue to harden his heart against the Lord.

God is merciful and forgiving...but often times Christians are not.

Some Christians want to freely receive...but the freely giving part they conveniently put aside.

Have you ever prayed and asked God to not to forgive you?

Have you ever prayed and asked God to be lacking in mercy and long suffering toward you?

Have you ever come right out and asked God to damn you, to send you to the flames of hell?

If you are in the practice of not forgiving others their trespasses [no matter how great you view these sins] that they have committed against you...then when you pray the Lord's prayer this is exactly what you are asking of God.


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