Sunday, January 08, 2006

My Covenant View, God's Word, and the Lord's Supper

It seems like sometimes people set up for themselves a double standard. What they use as a standard for one area they choose not to for another. Both the Word of God and the sacraments are “means of grace”. Both are not only something that we must have faith “in” [the object of our faith] but also something that works faith in us [instrument or means of faith]. God’s word is not only something I must believe, it also is the instrument that God uses to work this faith in me [Romans 10:17]. The Lord’s Supper brings blessing when it is taken in faith, but it is also a “means” in which God builds and strengthens faith. Why is it that we refuse to allow our children to come to the table because of their presumed “lack of faith”, and yet we allow them to sit under the teaching of God’s word, pray, say the Apostles Creed, sing praise to God? All of these things if not done in faith are not pleasing to God [Romans 8:7, Hebrews 11:6].
If I used the same type of thinking I could say [God forbid] “Well the Lord told me that the servant in whom was given much and rebelled received greater punishment, so because I am not sure if this child will grow to believe this Word I will keep him as ignorant as possible to lessen his punishment.” That type of thinking would be absurd wouldn’t it? It is that same type of thinking that keeps believers children from the Lord’s Table. It is called unbelief. God has given us promises and we must trust God. When we look at ourselves and our children do we see “giants in the land”? Yes, but God promises us that if we trust Him He will take care of the giants. But what we do is NOT trust God, and then look at the results [giants remaining] and blame it on God’s promises instead of on our unbelief.
We need to teach our children that God loves them, teaches them, forgives them, feeds them.
We teach these things by our words and actions, trusting that the Word of God that is to build them up in the faith will do so. That the Table of blessing will actually work out for blessing.


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