Saturday, January 07, 2006

Awake To The Issues At Hand

Whenever we face differences in the Christian church we need to understand that we are dealing with more then just a lack of information. The Christian heart can still be deceitful [the flesh wars against the spirit]. Unbelievers are "self" deceived [Romans 1] but we also see that Christians are warned against "self" deception [James 1].

When a man's livelihood rests upon a certain doctrinal position...and deviation away from that certain position would most certainly lead to his dismissal, then this doesn't encourage open study and eager searching for the truth.

On the can lead to self deception. It can lead a man to not study that certain issue because it has already been studied by others.

Or when I have time I will study this topic...the time never comes.

When I moved from "believers baptism" to "infant baptism" it was one of the hardest things I have ever done.

Most of my friends held to "believers baptism" and to move into the other camp felt like I was becoming Roman Catholic [even though I wasn't]. But within the denomination I belonged to I had the freedom to study without penalty. They held to infant baptism but didn't forbid "believers baptism".

I believe that there are pastors out there who are forced to hold to their views, and are restricted from freely studying out issues because they know that if their views change...change to such a degree as to no longer agree with their denomination...then they are on the unemployment line.


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