Thursday, February 09, 2006

Temper Tantrum

Watching a child throw a fit can almost be funny. Seeing their lower lip sticking way, way out, having them scrunching their shoulders up as they scowl, seeing them stamp their feet, cry and whine, and even hold their breath until they get what they want.

Do notice that I said "almost".

Temper tantrums in children need to dealt with.

They need to be dealt with quickly because temper tantrums are a childs way of trying to use manipulation to get their own way.

If this sinful behavior is not dealt with then it will be practiced all the way through a persons life.

Adults can be much more subtle about their temper tantrums.

Some wives have an amazing talent of turning down the temperature in the house without ever touching the thermostat. If they don't get what they want then their mood turns very ugly until hubby gets the message.

Some people have made temper tantrums their life work. When someone doesn't agree with their agenda they will give them the "cold shoulder", stop talking to them, cut off fellowship...and another 20 different ways of saying "you've stepped out of line, better wake up if you want me to start breathing again".

This behavior is very sinful because it flows from the desire to exalt "self".


Blogger Felicia said...

What about when God turned His face from Israel for forty years because of their stubborness? Was'nt He just waiting for them to miss having communion with Him and repent and come back. Just a thought :-)
Amy B

7:48 AM  
Blogger Dale Callahan said...

Thats a good point Amy.

But we should let God be God. The Bible says who are we to judge the servant of another. If God wants to give His people the cold shoulder then, as the Judge, He is well within His authority to do so.

But I am sure that we both agree that God's agenda is always good and right...and ours doesn't have that guarantee.

If we fall into this practice it could be a temptation for us to learn to manipulate people into seeing things our...oopps, I mean God's way.

5:53 PM  

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