Thursday, August 03, 2006

Behind The Scenes

Jesus watched the money pot, as people came by and put in their donations.

His conclusions were shocking to our ears.

The person who "seemed" to put in the least amount of money is the one who Jesus praises the most...Jesus said that she gave more...not less.

How does this work?

She gave what most would think is just peanuts...but those peanuts were all she had.

A person who is worth 10 million dollars gives a large donation and everyone ooohhhs and aahhhs. The giving is good but compared to how much they have is that "large" donation really as large as it first appears?

To a person with millions of dollars, a 500 dollar donation is like an average person pulling out 20 bucks and throwing it into the donation bag...but it seems like we still are impressed by outward appearances, aren't we?


Blogger Scott said...

Where your heart is, that is where your treasure is.

Tithing is simply giving to God what is God's. By not tithing, we steal from God. Forgiveness is still available to us when we steal from Him, but its still stealing.

When we refuse to tithe, we are, in effect, saying, "I don't trust you, God."

More to the point, the heart attitidue behind giving can be as simple as: I know you are my source of provision, God, and you can give to me everything I need.

Over and over in scripture we see that God looks at the heart, whether it's in tithing, forgiveness, purity, love, whatever.

4:16 PM  

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