Intolerance For Absolute Inclusiveness
We live in a culture that prides itself in being tolerant. Everyone has a right to decide what is "truth". What's true for you is true and what's true for me is true...even if our truths are diametrically opposite they are still true...hmmm...something smells fishy.
Let's have some fun. We will test how authentic the beliefs of our culture do so we will play some mind games...ready...good...then lets begin.
- Some people say that they don't believe in absolute truth...everything is relative [meaning you get to decide what is moral and what is anyway you restrictions]. Is this belief true? Are there NO absolutes? Is everything relative? Even though this is a mind game, don't brush it off...stop and really think about it. Are there absolutely no absolutes? You see if you say that there are NO absolute truths then the saying that there are no absolutes is not absolutely true and it ends up refuting itself. When a person says that they believe truth is relative they want to believe that there is at least one truth that is not relative, and that is the truth they have just told you...get it?
- There are two kinds of philosophical beliefs in the world. The first kind defines itself as "inclusive", the second as "exclusive". Those who call themselves "inclusive" [includes everyone] say that they believe that all beliefs, all religions are the same and should be received on level ground. Those who call themselves "exclusive" [excludes some] say that their belief system is the only one, and others if they disagree with it are wrong [ouch, politically incorrect or what?]. Those who are "inclusive" tell those who are "exclusive" that they shouldn't be so narrow in their beliefs...they should accept everyones beliefs...just like the "inclusives" do. Here's the catch, do those who claim to be "inclusive" really accept everyone? NO! They say they do but when painted into a corner they really do not. If the "inclusive" believer accepts the "exclusive" believers claims [Jesus is God, and is the only way of salvation] then they are saying all other beliefs are in order to remain "inclusive"...are you ready for this...they have to become "exclusive". They don't exclude everyone...just those who are "exclusive" your brain hurting yet?
- Lastly, we live in a culture that loudly proclaims toleration. "And we will not tolerate anyone who isn't tolerant"...oopps.
Game over...for now.