The Pounding Continues...
Today, many people celebrate “Halloween”…and to do so they celebrate a theme of fear and death!
Jesus is Lord over fear and death…He has the keys of hell [what more fearsome place then this] and death!
But Oct 31st announces another celebration…
On Oct 31st 1517 a Roman Catholic priest had some questions he wanted to debate within the church…
He had 95 points of debate…and he nailed them on the church door at Whiten burg…
The pounding knocked kings off their thrones…popes off their high seats…
…the pounding is still heard today…almost 500 years later…
…the pounding reminds us that Jesus is the Head of the Church…that salvation is only in Jesus and His finished work on the cross…
…the pounding reminds that that God’s truth will conquer all of its foes!
…but the pounding is also a reminder for our prayers…
…the pounding reminds us that God’s unifying work [John 17] isn’t yet complete…
…the Reformers didn’t want to split the church…they were wrongfully removed…
…as those who are always reforming…may our hearts be praying for the day when the Body of Christ is again unified…
…not unified in some spineless ecumenical “fellowship”…
…but unity…that as we all move closer to Christ [the Truth]…at the same time we will move closer together…
The pounding sounds on…
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