How Much?!
C.S Lewis once said that before he could truly thank someone for paying a debt he owed...he would first have to find out the amount of that debt.
If a neighbor paid .46 cents to the mailman for a postage due, he would give a courteous "thank you" to that neighbor and then begin to dig in his pockets to pay him back.
But if while he was away, Revenue Canada came with a bill for 10 million dollars in unpaid taxes, and the penalty of 20 years in prison if they were not immediately paid...and the neighbor paid THAT bill...he would fall on the ground before him...kiss his feet and profusely thank him...not even bothering digging in his pockets...because he knows that they aren't THAT deep.
Here is the reality of life. We are all the person who owes the 10 million! But in real life...its really not 10 million...its an amount that is unpayable...not even by Bill Gates!...sorry Microsoft.
Here is another reality of life. Apart from God's intervening grace [by His Spirit working through His Word]...we all view our debt AS IF it were the .46 cents.
We might tip our hat to God...give a nice thanks...have a kind smile on our face...then begin to dig in our pockets to pay Him back...acting AS IF...the debt were something within our grasp to pay back...via our efforts and good works.
We under value the debt we owe in a couple ways;
1. By misunderstanding ourselves.
2. By misunderstanding the God who made us.
As time permits we will look at these important areas of life...and the consequences that flow from misunderstanding them.