Tuesday, June 15, 2010

There is a More Excellent Way!

I need to begin by saying that I don’t believe that laws are bad or evil.

God Himself, who is the standard of good has given us “the” Law, which we are told [in His Word] is holy, just and good [Romans 7:12].

But, with this said, I do believe that any law, including laws that God gives, can be used in wrong ways, with wrong motives, and that eventually lead to wrong and unfruitful ends.

I also believe that there is an enormous chasm between God creating the world in an orderly way…and even giving certain laws…and…us being law-driven…or law-motivated people…do you understand the difference?

Because mankind has fallen into sin…this is a distinction that is very hard for us to keep our sights on.

Our minds are very “sticky” when it comes to being “law-motivated/driven”…and…

…very slippery to the idea of grace-motivation…or being grace-driven [grace being defined as unmerited favor].

The law-motivated or law-driven mind looks at one of God’s laws and thinks, “If I pursue my spouse and make them a priority then everything will go well for me. My obedience to these laws will bring happiness and blessing into my life.”

Sure, the law-driven mind might want to obey the law in order to bring happiness to their spouse…BUT…the big question we should ask is does the law-driven mind have the power or the motivation to want to bring happiness to their spouse…even when their spouse is being a jerk…even when their spouse isn’t pulling their weight and investing their 50% of the contract?

Stop and think for a minute. The very nature of a law says if you keep the law…then things will go well…BUT…if you do NOT keep the law…then things go south…and get ugly in a hurry!

With this in mind…the law-driven mind foolishly assumes that when it keeps one of God’s laws then ‘automatically‘…it has merited favor…it has earned a right…and because of this meriting or earning…then…

…God owes me blessings…God owes me favor! God owes me happiness!

And…when we flip the coin over and look at the other side, if I don’t obey one of God’s laws…but instead openly violate that law…then I should expect no favor and no blessing from God.
The law-driven mind feels very secure and joyful when it obeys the law, and very insecure and depressed when it doesn’t.

When the law-driven mind thinks it is obeying…it has the common temptation of feeling very superior…especially over those who are not obeying.

Because the law-motivated mind is trained to think of 1. receiving blessings for keeping the law…and 2. withholding blessings for violations of the law…I hope you can begin to see that this isn’t going to be the source of life and strength in your marriage or pre-marriage relationship!

In a world without sin, where no one was self centered and self promoting, the law-motivated marriage could prosper quite well…

But in the real world…the fallen world in which we live…the law-motivated mind will not bring prosperity into your marriage.

The law-driven mind will not give your marriage the life it needs to grow and flourish…

The law-driven mind will not give you the motivation and power to do good to your spouse…even when they don’t deserve it…because the law only holds out blessings when it is obey...when it is kept...when it is followed...it holds out NO blessings for those who break it!

The law-driven mind does not promote abundant mercy and forgiveness in the relationship…because that is not the function of the law. The law merely points out what must be done in order to receive blessings. If these conditions are not met…then…there is no blessings coming.

This makes for a very harsh, stern and unmerciful relationship…a veritable wasteland…

God made the world! And yes, this same God made a world that contains laws…but this same God has something upholding these laws…

The Creator God is not Law-driven…or Law-motivated…

God’s motivation is infinitely greater than mere law…and God’s motivation is the solid foundation on which all of His laws rest…

We will talk about this foundation…next time…

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Laws For A Happy Marriage?…or is there a more Excellent way?

Over the last month and a half Bonita and I have been helping out with a marriage growth and support group.

It has been good!

In the first lesson, the speaker taught that God has made the world and has made it with certain laws. If you live according to those laws then it will be peace, happiness and prosperity, but if you do not keep those laws... do not expect the peace, happiness and prosperity to follow.

Just as the law of gravity is for all, even for those who do not believe in it. You jump off the bridge, don’t expect to fly upward just because you verbally deny the law of gravity.

The speaker then began to speak about the first two laws that God has established in His creation. The Law of Priority and the Law of Pursuit.

In the Law of Priority he taught that God made the marriage relationship to be second only to the relationship between a person and their relationship with God, the Lord Jesus Christ, the God/man. When this law is kept, and the marriage is given the place of priority that it was design for then each spouse sacrificially invests their lives into the life of the other. When the marriage is made a priority…not in word only [easy] but in practice [difficult] then the marriage prospers and is joyous!

The second law he spoke about was the Law of Pursuit. This second law is tied tightly to the first. We will pursue that which our heart deeply longs for, that which we highly treasure. When we first enter a relationship and get married we are constantly trying to impress the other person.

Constantly trying to put our best foot forward, trying to portray our best image.


Because we want to attain the prize…we want to win the treasure.

Then, unfortunately, unless you constantly invest in your “treasure”, our common mistake is to think we are on a scavenger hunt…and begin to look for other treasure, putting the treasure of our spouse in our pocket, to be taken out when convenient...to our time table.

When we cease pursuing, when we stop investing…then the relationship begins to crumble. No relationship is static…if there isn’t constant investing…then the withdraws begin…feelings of love doesn’t sit in the account…it can’t be stored up or saved.

After watching the first lesson with Bonita…something was eating at me, in my insides!

I really don’t think it was something…I believe it was some One.

What the speaker was saying sounded good…it sounded right…I had heard similar teachings before…but it just wasn’t sitting right.

Jesus said that when the Spirit of Truth comes…that He will guide God’s people into all truth…and He [Holy Spirit] will glorify Me [Jesus].

The Holy Spirit’s primary ministry is not to lead God’s people into various laws or principles…it is to exalt the Lord Jesus Christ…and the gospel of Jesus and His amazing grace!

I agreed with the speaker that marriage must be made a high priority, and I also agreed with him that we must constantly pursue our spouse, as a life long activity.

Where I disagreed with his teaching, was I don’t think that viewing Priority and Pursuing as Laws is going to give us the proper motivation for a healthy, strong and God glorifying marriage…only gospel motivation can do that.

When I share next time...I will explain why.

Thursday, June 03, 2010

Micro-wave Wisdom?

We live in an age where we want results...not now...BUT RIGHT NOW...or better yet...YESTERDAY!

So, we flip our food in the micro-wave...push a few buttons...beep...beep...and sit down to our fast food at home.

Our technology is advancing at mind boggling rates...only out done by our ever increasing expectancy and impatience...

Our computer's speed and our new high speed Internet is STILL NOT FAST ENOUGH!

When will someone invent one of these things to think my thoughts before I do?!

When we swim in this cultural pool...is there any wonder that we too are soaking wet?

We want to be a knowledgeable and wise people...but we want to be so with very little sacrifice...and no time involvement...and we want it a week ago!

This is not God's way. Listen to the words of wisdom from God's mouth [spoken through one of the wisest kings of all time].

My son, if you receive my words, and treasure my commands within you, so that you incline your ear to wisdom, and apply your heart to understanding.
Yes, if you cry out for discernment and lift up your voice for understanding.
If you seek her as silver, and search for her as for hidden treasures; Then you will understand the fear of the LORD and find the knowledge of God.
For the LORD gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding.

God, speaking through King Solomon tells us that He is the fountain of knowledge and wisdom...and He is overflowing for all to drink from...

But as you read this passage from Proverbs...notice that God throws in a qualifying word...He throws in a covenant condition.

God says...I am more than willing to give wisdom...to give knowledge...BUT...I will give it to those who view it for the valuable treasure that it is.

To those who seek after wisdom...with the time investment of a microwaved hot dog...will not find wisdom and knowledge.

Mark clearly God's words!

"IF" you receive My words and treasure them...

"IF" you have your ears fixed and focused on hearing My words

"IF" you cry up to Me in prayer...seeking Me for wisdom...because I AM wisdom!

"IF" you see God's wisdom and value it...as others do gold and silver...and invest your life in God...as others do in building their financial empires...THEN...and only then will you acquire wisdom...

Solomon was singing a song that his father David taught him to sing. David who was a man after God's own heart!

David, in speaking about God's word, said; "The law of Your [God] mouth is better to me than thousands of coins of gold and silver." [Ps 119:72].

David knew that God's word, and the wisdom and knowledge that came from it...was infinitely more valuable than financial treasures!

He knew that financial treasures were only for a fleeting moment in time...whereas wisdom flowed from a relationship with the majestic Creator...Who was and is and is to come.

David and Solomon also realized that wisdom...like a great financial empire...did not come with a day or two of savings...it grew through the years of faithful earning and saving and treasuring and planning...

God is the greatest treasure! Seek His face every day...throughout the day!

Cry out to Him for wisdom...seek His word like a person starving for food...like a dry-mouthed man seeks a cold glass of water!

Don't seek God's face and His wisdom...in order to appear knowledgeable and wise...

...if you try...you will never attain godly wisdom...

God opposes the proud...but gives grace to the humble...

...when you in humility...seek the face of God...to receive Him...and to enjoy Him...then and only then...will wisdom begin to pour into your soul...making you more hungry...more thirsty...for the One who alone is Wise and desires to share this wisdom with all who diligently seek Him.