I have been a husband for nearly 12 years...the Lord has richly blessed me with a wonderful wife. Bonita is the greatest! She is my best friend...I love to be with her.
For a marriage to be good you have to invest into it. Many people start off well then somewhere down the line they get derailed. Both parties begin doing other things...spending time doing their own thing. This trend grows and grows until two strangers co-inhabit the same house.
Many marriages end after 20 + years...ever wonder why?
The kids have left home...the common interest just left.
While the kids are at home both parents can pour themselves into the children...but when the kids are gone...what's left?
We can all nickel and dime ourselves to death. Its the little choices multiplied over years and years that really add up.
Take time to sit with your spouse...learn to talk again...go for a walk, have some fun together.
The husband/wife relationship is the primary relationship in the is the only relationship that is going to be left when the children leave the nest.
Making money is needed in this world...but how many men and women get their focus on the big bucks thinking that it is going to be the answer...then after 20 years they discover that they were was the answer...the wrong answer.