Tuesday, November 21, 2006

The Second Death

The Bible tells us that death and hell will be cast into the lake of fire...this is the second death.

If your name is not found in the Book of life, then you will go, forever, into the lake of fire.

In other words, if you do not trust in Jesus Christ as your Savior, Lord, King, God, then you will forever exist in eternal death.

Do not be mistaken...this does not teach that the rebellious will cease to exist...that they will no longer have consciousness.

Hell is like a Remand Center today.

The Remand Center is where you go [jail] to await your trial and sentencing.

Once you are tried and sentenced you then leave the Remand Center to go to the permanent prison that will be your new home.

When an unbeliever dies today [before the second coming of Christ] his body goes into the ground but his soul will go to hell [Remand Center]...it is still a place of torment [Luke 16]...

...but not the final destination.

When Jesus returns, on the last day, there will be a general resurrection...all will raise [bodily] from the grave.

Men's bodies and souls will be reunited forever.

Some will go [body and soul] to be with the Lord in never ending bliss...and others will go [body and soul] to never ending damnation.

Men will not live forever without their bodies...this is just a temporary condition that happens at death...until Christ's second coming...

More later...


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