We're Home
We made it back from the conference...it was a busy week!
We spent the weekend with some friends...Tym and Hester Vanbraedon...they showed us around Vancouver and showed us much hospitality...it was fun.
The conference was very challenging...it showed that many Christian churches viewed missions as something the church "did" instead of seeing itself as "the mission".
We might have a missions budget...send out a team to mexico or some other place but we don't seem to understand that the church itself is "the mission".
We are to be about the work of making disciples of the nations...including our own.
Our mission is NOT to circle the wagon...build up walls to keep the world out...and then live in a nice, comfortable getto.
The church is called to reach out into the culture in which it has been placed...and to use that culture to transform people's lives...bringing them to Jesus.
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