Sunday, April 01, 2007

Do Your Math

It is amazing how muddled people get when they begin talking about "spiritual" things...or the things that pertain to God and salvation.

Its like there are two kinds of rules...

...rules for the things of everyday living...

...and rules for thinking about God

I was talking to a woman who was muddled in her thinking concerning these things.

She was sharing her view on things with a good friend of mine, a friend who has been seeking the Lord and has been reading God's word, learning more and more about God.

This woman was telling him that what really matters about god is "how you feel in here"...pointing to her heart.

In other words...what you think and feel about God is good for you and what I think or feel about God is good for me.

Even if we believe totally opposite things about god...both beliefs are still good for us.

My friend sat and listened, and I sat on the other side of him and also listened...

...I listened to an arguement that may have sounded new to my friend...and an arguement that may have even sounded new and novel to the person who was proclaiming it...but it was far from new... is an arguement that I have heard many times over the 16 years I have been a Christian.

"I am very happy FOR YOU, that you found Jesus"...they will say

"That is so good FOR YOU"...they will encourage.

I asked this woman if 2+2 ever equalled 8?

Of course she answered 'no'.

I asked her that if she wanted to get to Edmonton from Grande Prairie could she take absolutely any road...stay on that road without connecting to other roads...and get to Edmonton?

She laughed...of course not.

Then why do we not believe in absolute truths when it pertains to ultimate God?

Jesus said that He was God, and that He was the only way to eternal life...if you wanted to get right with God then this meant you must come to God the Father through Jesus, the Son.

God has revealed Himself in His word, He has told us what He wants us to know...we either accept what He faith...or we reject unbelief.

I heard one man say "all roads do lead to God...but only one reaches Him in salvation".

What this guy was saying is that when you die you will stand before God...whatever belief you choose will get you standing before be judged. But only trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ will have you standing before God with all your sins forgiven...standing before God in the righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Jesus died on the cross to save sinners...all sinners who come to Jesus, trusting their souls into His hands...will be saved.

Jesus rose from the dead on the third day...proving that He is the victor over the grave.

Either He rose from the dead or He didn't...

Jesus was who He said He was [Creator God] or He wasn't...

There is no middle ground...

...even in ultimate reality 2+2 always equals 4


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