Friday, September 21, 2007

Tie a yellow ribbon around the...

I heard this story was about a farmer in the U.S.A in the 1930's depression.

All the farmer's discovered that even if they planted their crops they wouldn't be able to sell them in the following one could afford to buy them...

...the result? one planted their crops...

...well...almost no one...

One farmer was seen in his field...planting...

His neighbor approached him...inquiring minds want to know.

"Whacha doin?", he asked, while the obvious answer was being enacted before him.

"Planting my crops", the other farmer answered.

"Why, nobody going to be able to buy corn next year?", the neighbor informed him.

"I know that. I'm not planting corn...I'm planting oak trees.", the farmer said calmly.

"Oak trees, that's won't be able to use those trees. They'll take 70 years to grow", the neighbor scowled.

"I'm not planting them for me to use, they are for my grandchildren", the farmer said, as he continued to work the ground.

How often do we make our choices with the thoughts of our children, grandchildren, great grandchildren in mind?

Just like the oak tree our choices of today take time to produce the good or bad.

At times, easy choices are also choices made because of lack of faith...not trusting God at His word.

These easy choices seem to bear immediate in the case of Sarah and Abraham.

Surely God couldn't bring a child out of an old man and a barren old wife...hey look...Hagar!

Did this choice bear fruit?...oh yes it did!

The battle continues today. Someone in the middle east will likely die today because of that choice made thousands of years ago.

May our fruit be lasting...and good.


Blogger Steve said...

The ability to think generationaly is something we as humans have a hard time doing. I think it's because we tend to focus on our immediate circumstances, and fail to see God's hand moving through history. The ability to think generationally can also be dulled by dispensationalism and amillenialism, to name a few. Also the modern Christians focus on personal piety instead of love for God and our neighbours dull s this as well...

8:47 PM  

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