Wednesday, November 12, 2008

In the Beginning...

The Christian faith tells us where we have come from...where we are going when we die [Two options]...and it tells us why things are the way they are inbetween these two points...

Many religions [like Buddhism] tell us that there is something drastically wrong with life...suffering is all around us...but it doesn't go any further back...

When the question is asked..."why is there suffering in the world" we are told that we shouldn't even ask that question...huh?

Why not!

The Bible tells us that our lives are filled and surrounded by suffering...but it also tells us the reason why.

God, the Creator is the source of all life...all blessing...

God created the first man...Adam to be the representative for all mankind...God created him will all the faculties he would need to resist temptation and to do good...but the first man...our representative chose to use his God-given faculties to rebel against God...instead of to trust God, obey God and honor God...

God had warned Adam that if he sinned against God...he would surely die...

God does not lie...when Adam and Eve sinned...they died.

They immediately died spiritually...this means that now they no longer loved longer wanted fellowship with longer understood God...

And they also died physically...the process of death began the second they rebelled against God...even though the end result wouldn't be seen for years to come.

Just think about it...this is what sin does today...remember...the Bible tells us that death is is an enemy...

The second you were began...but was also the very first moment that you began dying...


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