Monday, December 08, 2008

Give me a pill and everything will be just fine…really.

The easiest lie ever told is one that the receiver desires to believe.

The lie is told.

The lie is received and believed.

Put the seal on the deal.

But its not over.

Ideas have consequences…

Whether they be good…

…or bad.

Many people long to believe the lie that says “a person may do horrible, wicked, and evil deeds…but deep down inside they are still a good person.”

We want to believe this…we really do.

Jesus said that a good tree will not produce bad fruit…and a bad tree will not produce good fruit…

Hmmm…that doesn’t sound like the lie we like to have tickling our ears…does it?

We live in a culture where people want the freedom to live as wickedly as they please…


They don’t want the consequences that come from those beliefs and actions!

They want to be able to lie, cheat, steal, be the town whore [without pay], use their tongue to destroy people, live in worry and hatred…

They don’t want any of this Jesus crap…God’s love, confession of sin, forgiveness, reconciliation…

That’s just a waste of precious time and energy.

But their conscience is killing them…they feel like they are in a black pit of despair…that is slowly sucking the life and joy out of them…

So how do they stop from feeling bad?

Do they cry up to God to forgive them, and to give them the new power to change…to stop doing evil…to repent [change of mind and life]…

Do they stop feeling bad…by stop being bad?


They take a little pill that numbs their conscience…that way they can still feel good without having to stop being bad…

But don’t be fooled…that little pill packs a terrible little secret…it isn't a cure for only holds down the monster...for now...but as wicked deeds accumulate...the monster grows...gets stronger.


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