Sunday, May 03, 2009

Double Jeopardy Question [Do Dead Men Bleed?]

Philosophy teaches us to think on many even teaches us to think on why and how we think...

For many people...this is silly...a waste of time...but really its not...because in the end everyone practices philosophy to varying degrees...many simply do so...without recognizing it...and therefore set themselves up for "self" deception...

A certain philosophy teacher once told me that our beliefs about things in the world are very complicated...because no single belief or thought sits all by itself...all of our thoughts and beliefs are intertwined with all our other beliefs and thoughts...

Try and paint a mental picture...just for a few moments... that all your beliefs are like a delicate...complicated, intricate spider's web...

Even though we have many different beliefs...not all of our beliefs are of equal importance...some of our beliefs are our "foundational" beliefs...

...these are our most valued beliefs...and by these beliefs...we interpret all our other beliefs...or in other these central, foundational beliefs...we interpret the world around us...

...these beliefs are the center of our spider's web...

Remember, in a spider's web...if you destroy one of the outer threads...the web can still survive...but if you destroy the center...the web is finished!

Now, here is the catch...this is very important!

If your center, foundational beliefs are true...then they will help you with all your other you interpret the world around you...rightly...and they will help you fight against error in your own thinking...

But if your central, foundational beliefs are false...and you are unwilling to even admit that they may be untrue...then you will use these false foundational beliefs to build all your other beliefs upon...

And just like a power saw...with its blade on an angled will never be able to cut a straight matter how many times you measure.

The man who taught me philosophy told this story years really stuck with me...

A man had been going to a psychiatrist for years and years for treatment.
His problem? He thought he was dead. This belief had the man living alone, receiving social assistance, never meeting people, never really living life...which would be natural...if you were dead.

The psychiatrist had tried every possible argument and test that he could think of...but after years, the man was no further along...he still thought he was dead.

Finally, one day, the psychiatrist thought he had the answer. When the man came in his office the doctor sat him down and looked him in the eye.

"Do dead men bleed?" the doctor asked his patient, with a firm but gentle voice.

The patient sat for a moment, really pondering the question. Finally he opened his mouth and answered.

"No, dead men do not bleed." he answered with very little emotion in his voice.

At this the doctor pulled out a pin, grabbed the patience's hand and pricked his index finger...immediately blood began to creep out.

The patient looked at his finger in total unbelief and bewilderment...and then finally broke down and began to weep.

"I can't believe it, I can't believe could I have been so could I have been so wrong for all these years!", the patient cried out, now standing from his chair.

The doctor began to smile...but it was a short-lived smile...

The patient continued to speak...

"How could have I been so wrong...dead men DO bleed!"

If your ultimate beliefs about reality are will effect your singleness, your will effect everything you do in this life...and it will effect your eternity... sure that your central beliefs are hangs in the balance!


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