Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Hitting the Snooze more time...

The book of Isaiah in the Old Testament teaches us many excellent lessons...we will look at only one today.

God told King Hezekiah that he was going to die. Hezekiah cried out to God and God heard his cry...and God gave him another 15 years of life.

A distant nation heard of his recovery and sent delegates to bring glad tidings...Hezekiah welcomes in the foreign delegates and shows them all of the nation's treasures.

As the delegates ride off home...God sends the prophet Isaiah to King Hezekiah...the prophet has a message...a sad message.

Because of the King's lacking discernment...the delegates are going to go home to their King...and tell of all the wonderful treasures they years to come...this other king will come...and take all the treasures...including the children...the future.

As King Hezekiah hears that this bad prophecy...he doesn't fall to the ground in shock...he makes a reply that sounds very much like us today. He says "the word of the Lord is good...for at least there will be peace and truth in my days".

It was a terrifying, harsh message...but Hezekiah thought that it was a judgment that wouldn't hit him directly...only his descendants [children] would feel it...

Very selfish indeed...much like us today.

We want to cling to our sins...cling to our luxuries and comforts...and practice lifestyles that eliminate our cultures future...but thats all very likely won't effect us...we will probably be able to live selfishly...and not feel the severe judgments of God...but what about our children?

Hezekiah ended up losing his enemy came in and took them away...made them slaves...forced their culture and its beliefs on them... this what is coming our way?


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