Thursday, May 14, 2009

Trojan Horse [Part 2]

Imagine you are a soldier, sleeping soundly, but not safely in your king's heavily fortified stronghold...

Your eyes snap open! The enemy trumpet blares close by!

You run from the sleeping barracks to see what all the racket is about!

As you enter the fortresses courtyard you immediately notice something very, very unsettling...

The massive iron gates that allowed friends in...but kept enemies out...were no longer standing...they had been removed in the night...and taken away!

But who could have accomplished such a suddenly dawns upon you...the gates could only be removed from the walls...from the inside.

You grab the warning trumpet...and blow it with all your might...the warning torches on the tower walls are also immediately lit...calling all troops to gather for battle!

As you watch the tiny army assemble...your knees begin to shake...where are all the soldiers? There should have been thousands...even millions more...where did they did they vanish while everyone else slept?

Suddenly, you are jolted to attention once the enemy war horn blares from outside the fortress walls...

You quickly run to the gaping hole...where the gates...the protection...once proudly stood...and in utter dismay behold the almost limitless army that has surrounded the city...

Your heart begins to melt within you notice that leading the enemy troops are the heros you and your people had trusted in...the heros you exalted...the heros you followed and listened to...and now...they had removed your gates...they have done away with millions of your soldiers...they have left you weak and vulnerable to the enemies attacks!

All these heros they sat proudly on their steeds...the enemy behind them just waiting for them to give the word to attack.

These knights were once very well known...and loved by many. Sir Pro Choice, Sir Free Love, Sir Alternative Life style, Sir Easy Divorce, Sir Much Money, Sir Love Comfort, Sir High Self Esteem...but now you realize that they were the ones who left you defenseless...

...they were the reason why you had so few soldiers to stand and fight with...


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