Saturday, May 29, 2010 option C

If you are a person who enjoys dining at the table of political correctness...proceed with great have been warned...a new dish is being set before you...and the probability of spiritual indigestion is high!

We are a people who are very prone to think little [or not at all] of God when things are going our way, good health, finances, relationships...BUT...are very quick to shake our fists at the heavens to whatever Mr., or Mrs. Potato Head deity we have invented in our fallen hearts, when things begin...even in the go south!

We have no grasp on reality!

We have been fed the lies of relativism for so long that we actually have come to believe that we can think reality into existence... least in the spiritual realm...

...only a nut job would apply his relativism to gravity while standing on the railing of the Golden Gate Bridge...

...once you let go of that bridge...all of your relativistic thoughts are going to become very absolute...absolutely a matter of fact.

All my thinking and wishing cannot make the god of my imagination become reality...I must deal with the God who is.

The God who has revealed that He is the Creator of all things...material and immaterial [spiritual]...and that He is also the constant Sustainer of all things...

This God has revealed to us that every good gift, every perfect gift comes to us...from His hand.

This God is the source of life and every blessing! Mark that in your mind...God IS the fountain of life and blessing!

This God has revealed to us that we as humans are not in a state of normalcy...something terrible has happened!

We as God's creatures have rebelled against Him...we no longer desire to give Him the honor and glory due to Him as our Creator...

...we have reserved this honor and glory for ourselves.

God is greater than man's rebellion!

God entered human history, as a man, to deliver rebels from the power and penalty of their rebellion.

All rebels who throw down their weapons...and wave the white flag of surrender will receive mercy.

God promises that all who confess their sins and trust in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior...WILL BE SAVED!

God has told us that salvation is by faith in Jesus!

God also tells us that faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things NOT seen.

Faith is trusting God at His word...even when things appear differently by our limited perspective...

But once we die...and stand face to face with our will be no more.

God has given each of us a period of time in this world [a time known to Him...but not to us] which we are to seek His forgiveness...and lay hold of the gift of eternal life!

And if we refuse? If we decide to continue in our rebellion and give God the one finger wave of hostility?

This is where some of you might want to grab the spiritual Pepto Bismol...

God tells us that He will not be mocked!

We need to understand...with crystal clear comprehension...that there is a difference between...existence...and life.

Every person reading this [every person ever born for that matter]...will exist forever!

God has created you an immortal being...

But God alone is the source of life and blessing [I am trying to repeat this on purpose]

In my first year as a Christian I heard a man speak about the attributes of God.

He encouraged us to sink these attributes deep into our hearts.

God reveals to us in His Word...that He IS love, He IS joy, He IS peace, He IS patience, He IS kindness, HE IS goodness, He IS faithfulness, He IS gentleness, He IS self control...

This man then encouraged us to go home and find the antonyms of each of these attributes...

What is the opposite of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control?

You see, we have made a serious mistake!

We look at all the good things in our lives and think them things we deserve.

We think them things we automatically receive whether we love and follow God...or not.

God graciously gives us these things show us that He loves us and is willing to forgive and change us...but God is NOT willing for us to remain in our rebellion and hatred towards Him...

Something MUST change!

When we step into eternity we will see God face to face. Those who have thrown themselves upon His mercy...will receive mercy...and will receive eternal life as a free gift that was purchased at a great cost to God.

Those who said that they want nothing to do with God...will get exactly what their hearts greatest desire screams eternity without God.

Unrepentant rebels will want to take hold of Option eternity without God...but at the same time... wanting all the benefits that come from God to continue...

...they are in for a rude awakening!

Instead, they will step into unending time...without a drop of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness or self control...

Suddenly, the horrible realization will crash upon a wave of unending darkness...existence without God is hell!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Selective Memory

Years ago I heard about a certain study that was taken. The study had to do with why diets succeeded or failed.

In this study a certain number of victims…er…I mean participants were involved, and these people were going to be studied by a group [equal number to participants] of personal trainers.

Phases 1
Each participant was carefully weighed at the beginning of the study. Then they were told to record absolutely everything that they put into their mouth to eat or drink…everything!

They were to do this for a whole month!

Phase 2
After the first month was completed [remember, no actual dieting has begun yet], the participants, with the help of the personal trainers, are to work out a diet where they cut out 10% of their daily food intake. They were told that with only a 10% cut in calories they would still see a noticeable decrease in their weight over the next couple months.

Phase 3
After their new eating schedules [10% decrease] was written down, the participants were sent home to implement the new diets into their lives, remembering to continue to record every time they ate something.

Phase 4
At the end of the next couple months, they pulled in all the participants. They had them all stand on the weigh scale and again carefully measured each of their weights.

Do you know what they discovered? Do you know how participants lost weight?

Hardly any!

Had the 10% diet failed? No, the study wasn’t to test to see if decreasing calories would cause weight loss…that has been a proven scientific fact for centuries.

The test was to study the reality of self deception.

In the next and last phase of the test…a personal trainer was with each participant for the next 30 days…recording absolutely everything they ate…not what they think they possibly might have nibbled on…possibly, I think…possibly.

After the 30 days of honest recording, they again worked out the 10% decrease, and again the personal trainer lived with the participant for the next two months, recording absolutely everything they ate.

At the end of the two months they had the second “weigh in”.

Do you want to make a guess as to what percentage of the participants lost weight?


The study showed that people subconsciously ripped themselves off. They would not record everything they ate. They were good little hypocrites, living a lie, even though it went against their good.

They had selective memory.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Pursuit Of Happiness

Knowing your weakness can be the first step to overcoming it.

Ignoring your weakness only gives strength to the weakness.

We all have the tendency to pursue hard after something we desire, focusing on that prize, narrowing all our strength, mental alertness, time and energy, to achieve the treasure.

And...if and when we grasp the treasure and make it our own? Then what?

Sadly...often...we set it on the shelf...out of our reach...out of our sight...and even out of our thoughts.

We pursued...conquered...and moved on.

Countless marriages have ended because of this tendency.

A man and a woman meet...and the pursuing begins...

Each is putting their best foot forward.

They want to impress each other, get to know each other, keep away from things that would upset each other. They spend endless amounts of time talking about the little things of life [which really aren't little...they are life], they want to do things together. They want to look good in the eyes of each other, physically and emotionally.

They plan about the future together [their future together]...

Then something horrible happens!

The treasure is grasped...and the pursuing stops!

Once the prize is won...for some weird reason [it's called selfishness] the pursing slowly stops.

The best foot is pulled back. Thinking of how good impressions can be made are no longer thought about.

Sweetness of speech is forgotten.

Time spent together slowly fades to nothing.

Thoughts of doing something solely for the sake of the other becomes lost...

Communication becomes more discovery...

Future planning continues...but now it is two individuals making plans for their own futures...which eventually separates...

But its not too late...your marriage is vitally is worth is worth planning for.

Don't try and find time for your spouse...MAKE TIME!

Begin pursuing her/him...plan your life with them in mind!

Observe what they like/dislike and begin to pursue ways to make them happy!

That is the bait you used to catch the fish...that is the bait you use to keep the fish!