Pursuit Of Happiness
Knowing your weakness can be the first step to overcoming it.
Ignoring your weakness only gives strength to the weakness.
We all have the tendency to pursue hard after something we desire, focusing on that prize, narrowing all our strength, mental alertness, time and energy, to achieve the treasure.
And...if and when we grasp the treasure and make it our own? Then what?
Sadly...often...we set it on the shelf...out of our reach...out of our sight...and even out of our thoughts.
We pursued...conquered...and moved on.
Countless marriages have ended because of this tendency.
A man and a woman meet...and the pursuing begins...
Each is putting their best foot forward.
They want to impress each other, get to know each other, keep away from things that would upset each other. They spend endless amounts of time talking about the little things of life [which really aren't little...they are life], they want to do things together. They want to look good in the eyes of each other, physically and emotionally.
They plan together...talk about the future together [their future together]...
Then something horrible happens!
The treasure is grasped...and the pursuing stops!
Once the prize is won...for some weird reason [it's called selfishness] the pursing slowly stops.
The best foot is pulled back. Thinking of how good impressions can be made are no longer thought about.
Sweetness of speech is forgotten.
Time spent together slowly fades to nothing.
Thoughts of doing something solely for the sake of the other becomes lost...
Communication becomes surface...shallow...no more discovery...
Future planning continues...but now it is two individuals making plans for their own futures...which eventually separates...
But its not too late...your marriage is vitally important...it is worth prioritizing...it is worth planning for.
Don't try and find time for your spouse...MAKE TIME!
Begin pursuing her/him...plan your life with them in mind!
Observe what they like/dislike and begin to pursue ways to make them happy!
That is the bait you used to catch the fish...that is the bait you use to keep the fish!
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