Thursday, December 22, 2005

No Harm Done?

The Canadian Supreme Court [that is what they think] has made a ruling that there is nothing wrong with night clubs that promote "partner swapping" and "group sex, and that these activities should not be deemed as criminal.


Because it is practiced by consenting adults [I am sure the age limit will be removed eventually], and it does no harm to society outside of the clubs.

What the "so called" Supreme Court fails to factor into the equation is that we live in a world created by a Holy God.

He is the Supreme Judge, and not they.

He is the Supreme Lawgiver, and not they.

Our Supreme Court would do well to study history in light of God's word. Countless nations have been destroyed by God because they practiced evil...government endorsed evil.

We have slaughtered millions of our "unwanted" children [and continue to do so], practice open idolatry, practice every kind of sexual perversion, and openly reward those who practice evil.

But these things are ok because they are done by consenting adults...right?

"For in the hand of the Lord there is a cup,
and the wine is red;
It is fully mixed, and He pours it out;
Surely its dregs shall all the wicked of the earth
drain and drink down." [Ps 75:8]

Think again.

The cup above is not full of a nice Merlot or is the cup that is filled with God's fury and wrath!

The wicked will try to hide behind the Supreme Courts rulings...but on the day of reckoning there will be no hiding.

The Supreme Court will stand as trembling ants before the True Supreme Judge...
and there will be hell to pay...literally.


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