Good Things To Constantly Remember...Gospel Things...
I read a quote today that reminded me of the Gospel of Jesus' gracious love.
"The Christian does not think God will love us because we are good,
but that God will make us good because He loves us."
-C.S. Lewis
As I read it I was reminded of a similar quote by Andrew Murray...
"God does not love us because Jesus died on the cross for us...BUT...
Jesus died on the cross for us BECAUSE God loves us."
...and last but not least a paraphrase of a quote from Tim Keller, pastor of Redeemer Church in New York City.
"The Christian doesn't obey in order to be accepted by God...but because he is already accepted by God, because of what Jesus has already done [suffering, death, and resurrection], the Christian is empowered to obey..."
Man-made religion is what man offers to God, his good works, his efforts, his righteousness...
Biblical salvation is what God does for man...God becomes man, God suffers, God dies, God raises from the grave, God gives us a new heart, God forgives, God empowers, God restores, God renews...God Reigns!!
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