Do You See What I See?
As I was walking this week, delivering peoples mail, the thought came into my brain..."I wonder if blind people can see in their dreams?"
I know that I have had dreams where I went places I have never been in real life [to other planets], and have done things I haven't done [fly, without a plane].
I started looking on the internet to see what others said on this topic. There are many studies that say that if a person is born blind, then they don't have images in their dreams.
As I read these studies the thought that crossed my mind was "if I was born blind and have never seen anything, how would I describe my dream 'if' I actually did ever see something?"
How would you describe a blue sky, filled with fluffy white things...if you don't know what "blue", "white" and "fluffy" is. Its like trying to describe to someone that honey tastes sweet...its almost impossible to must be experienced.
Just some ponderings of a postie.
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