Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine Poem To Bonita

The snowflake drifted on the winds of infinite design,
Slowly descending from the imagination of unfathomable love,
Its design was wondrously intricate, interwoven with delicate, and marvellously beautiful,
The value of this little floating gem was only increased by closer examination,
Only under close scrutiny could you begin to see its one of a kind design, all of its glorious qualities ordered in a brilliant harmony. The little snowflake floated down, down, down, and finally rested. Waiting amidst millions of others, waiting, waiting, waiting.

The little rain drop fell from the glorious sky, its destination unknown to itself, but not unknown to Majesty.
It plunged to the earth below with precision-like accuracy, falling, falling, falling, surrounded by millions of others, all riding on the winds of design. The little drop hit the earth with the sound of finality, reaching its mark, like an arrow striking the center of a distant target.

The little snowflake and the drop of rain were separated from one another, each blowing and flowing upon the surface of the ground, looking, looking, looking. The little rain drop reached the meandering river, and began to move, to be moved. The glorious Sun broke forth from out of the overpowering clouds, and the little snowflake began to melt. She too was brought to the river that flowed to its predetermined end. The little snowflake and the little rain drop met and were joined together in perfect design, and as they did they were no longer two, but mysteriously became one.
Now they float together in harmony, being moved and guided by the Hand of infinite purpose, awaiting the day that the Sun of Glory will shine on them, ascending them up into the glorious clouds, lifting them up to where the real journey will finally begin…the journey of unimaginable joy!

I love you Bonita, my precious little snowflake, the God of all glory has richly blessed me with you, my wonderful wife.

Love, your husband, Dale


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