Thursday, March 05, 2009

Are You F*#&ing Brainwashed??

Sorry for the hint of ugly language...honestly I have a reason...

Years ago...while I still lived in Red Deer...I was holding a chapel service for the guys in jail.

While I was preaching a of the guys...pipes up and shouts out...

"Man, are you F*#&ing brainwashed!"

I stopped for a moment to address this new topic. I told the guy that I was willing to admit that I was brainwashed...but was he?

He had the funniest look on his face when I confronted him with this new idea?

He only thought that so called "religious" people could be brainwashed...

As I began to put him on the "hot seat", asking him questions of why he believed certain things about how he viewed became immediately apparent that his beliefs did not arise out of careful, non-biased, philosophical study...

...many of the things he assumed and believed were things that he was taught throughout his life...things he never questioned...never challenged...his brain had been washed quite nicely.

I told him that I had been raised in a different religion then the one I was preaching from the pulpit. The religion I was raised in left me in the position of a little was only random chance...I was a byproduct of billions of mutations, I was the highest link on the food chain.

I went to a religious school [public] where they taught their theories as if they were undisputed facts...this religious school had its beliefs on the universe's origin [big bang], where man came from [macro evolution], who man is [highest authority in the universe], where man is ultimately going [eat dirt].

This religious school taught its own form of ethics[there are no absolute truths...except for the truth that there are no absolute], and religious practices [be politically correct and all those who hold the status quo].

I told this man that I used to hold to my beliefs...just because that's the way it was. But then I was challenged to question my old ways...and look at God's ways...

By God's grace I was washed of my brainwash. Many people think that to follow Jesus you have to park your brain in the parking lot. Jesus created you with a brain...He wants you to use it. But He didn't create your brain as the highest authority in the universe. God is the highest authority [thats what it means to be God]...for us to truly understand the world we live in...we must submit our reasoning powers to God and His word.


Blogger ~Janel~ said...

Well said :)

7:07 AM  

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