Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Enemy At The Door...and My Favorite Sitcom Isn't Over rude!

As I drove down the street today I thought about our culture diving into a deep recession. But I also noticed all the fast food restaurants...all the stores that promoted entertainment, leisure, and comfort. Our North American culture is literally being consumed by our comforts.

We still try to fool ourselves...hearing stories of our nations [Canada and U.S.A] from years gone by...when people were willing to sacrifice their lives for the good of others...were willing to deny their present comforts for the future of their children and grandchildren...and we think that just because our ancestors had these qualities...for some reason we do too...but things change.

At one time our nation was was like a fighter rising up in the ranks...aggressive, hungry for the belt. Then, something happened. We got the belt. All of our forefathers hard work, sacrifice, and self denial paid off...and we became a very wealthy nation. And with great wealth has come many luxuries and comforts.

Here is a strange phenomenon, when you don't have luxuries and lives of comfort you have a goal in front of you...and it drives you that hungry contender...seeking the belt.

But like many champions...victory makes them soft...fat and lazy. They get so used to enjoying the comforts and the endless luxuries that they don't want to have to sacrifice...they don't want to have to deny themselves...they just want to be entertained...they just want to enjoy all their comforts...

And while they slowly grow too fat to fight...another people group...somewhere in the hungering for comfort, wealth and luxuries...

We are much like Rome 1600 years ago. They were so consumed with their pleasures, entertainments and comforts...that they didn't even leave "the games" when Rome fell to the Barbarians...

I many Canadians and Americans would even leave their favorite sitcom...if they knew their nations were being invaded...


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