Regeneration [Theological Rationalism, Part 6]
God has created man to be a free moral agent. The Calvinist should whole heartedly agree with this. Even though every decision from the unbeliever is sinful, it is nonetheless free. The unbeliever is totally free to either stay at home with the family or go rob the corner store. Both of these decisions are made without love for the Trinune God of Scripture and are therefore sinful. But the choice made is a free one.
The mystery is that these free choices, down to the most minute detail have all be foreordained by the All-knowing, All-wise, All-powerful, All-loving, God.
Believer's may choose to read their Bible and perform good works [out of faith] or they may decide to get consumed with things that tangle them up into things that do not profit them spiritually. But they are freely making these decisions. Yes the Spirit of God is working in them both to will and do His good pleasure, but God is not willing for them or doing for them.
But even though they are the ones who ultimately make these decisions God from eternity past has pre-planned [not merely seen ahead of time] everyone of their free choices.
Now...the area I think that causes some Calvinists to border on "Fatalistic Land" is that of God's sovereignty and regeneration.
They think that because God is sovereign over regeneration [and He is] that somehow this takes away from man's freedom.
But it doesn't.
Into the picture walks "Jo unbeliever". God brings His word to this man, and by His sovereign will decides to regenerate him through His Spirit/Word.
Once the man is regenerated is he automatically saved? [In systematic theology terms]
No! Salvation comes by trusting in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior!
Before regeneration he was still free to choose, in that he was free to make choices, but he was also not free, because his will was in bondage to sin, and he would never choose outside of his nature [sinful].
Regeneration is the renewal of the man's heart, and in his new condition the regenerated man can now see the glory of Christ.
His regenerated heart is now enabled to trust in Christ. Whereas before he would never trust in Christ because he hated Christ, and thought the gospel foolishness.
God has enabled him to make a choice. God has freed him from his bondage to his sinful nature so that now he can make a choice.
So who is making the choice? Man is.
To get a better understanding of the decision for salvation by the newly regenerated man I think we would do well to look back at the First Adam, and the Fall of Lucifer.
But alas...this will be for another day.